photo by Hamed Saber
Take this reading:
"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." - Isaiah 65:24
What can this mean?
Our prayers are anticipated, almost like the picture of an eager person in conversation, rushing to finish your sentence. Here is the image of the Father always ready to answer--the desires of your heart near to His own heart. What can it mean except that our prayers are already on His mind? He only waits to hear us ask.
What will you pray today, knowing this?
Someone will say, why should I pray if my God knows what I will ask? What can this verse mean but something even more glorious? Our God is our Father, and He wants to hear our desires, despite His absolute knowledge of all our needs and circumstances. He knows there is so much more.
Like a loving Father who loves to hear from His children, He wants to hear form us. What will you ask today?Related Posts
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