Easy does it: 8 minute prayer exercise

photo by my_eye

In her book Let God Talk To You, Becky Tirabassi lays out her routine for spending time with God and allowing him to speak into her heart. I’ve loved the step-by-step approach she takes and how she offers examples throughout the book, making the book down-to-earth and accessible.

Toward the end of the book, she spells out an abbreviated format of her prayer time that you can use, which takes less than 10 minutes. While she encourages readers to spend an hour daily in prayer time, I liked that what she stresses that the point is to spend time with God. I once heard a trainer say that the best exercise regimen is the one you can stick to, even if it’s only one push-up a day. I think the same is true with God--give him what you can. If it’s only 10 minutes right now, then that’s what he wants! Or for those who are new to the whole prayer/quiet time thing, I think this is a great way to get acquainted:
From Let God Talk to You by Becky Tirabassi
You can also cover these four sections in an abbreviated format: In two minutes each: Praise God, using a psalm. Admit the most recent sin (anger toward a co-worker, not telling the truth, etc.) you committed, and write it down--use abbreviations if necessary. Begin a Request list of the five closest people to you. And write a one-paragraph note of Thanks to God for something small or great!
That’s it. The point is to start somewhere and be intentional with a plan you can stick to. I think we can all spare 8 minutes right?

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  1. I must say I am falling in love with your blog. I have been searching around it for a bit and it is just great! I too am in the process of some serious prayers and this blog has completely lifted my spirits. keep it up, I will be reading.


    Hannah Katy

  2. Oh, thanks so much, Hannah! That means a lot to hear. Sometimes I wonder if my words ever are of help to anyone else, so this is a great encouragement! Thanks again :)


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