(obviously not Claire, but so cute!)
Now that Claire is older (look for another update about the latest tomorrow!), able to go longer between naps (about two hours of awake time right now) and I've got my own set of wheels, getting out of the house has become much easier than in those first days as a new mom.
Consequently, I've been trying to make an effort to get out of the house at least once a week, whether it's just taking Claire for a walk around the neighborhood or running up to the supermarket for last-minute groceries. There's something rejuvenating about the mere act of getting out into the fresh air—I don't think I quite appreciated that until I became a mom!
That's why I was excited when I heard about the latest sale going on at Publix groceries stores. If you're like me and find that your grocery list is filled with things that never seem to go on sale—things like produce, meat, baked goods—then this is the sale for you, because those are exactly what are on sale during their latest event: Fresh Savings. (You'll find other staples features in the sale as well, including cereals from General Mills, Tostitos tortilla chips, Breyers products, and even eggs!)
To me, that's a win-win: a chance to get out of the house, pick up essentials on the cheap and then have the time and money left over to do other things—like enjoying these last days of summer before autumn officially arrives!
The Fresh Savings sale is going on at Publix now through September 12. For more details, please visit freshsavingsevent.com.
The information and a gift card to sample the sale was provided by General Mills and Publix® through MyBlogSpark.
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