Each month, I like to take a moment and share an update about what happened that month and some of the things I'm looking forward to in the month to come. View more of my previous monthly updates here.
This month, I started noticing the first of the falling leaves. One day, it seems they were just bursting forth in tiny, green buds and now, as the wind whips through, dozens of yellow leaves cascade to the ground. When did that begin to happen?!
I ended up finding myself with more leisure time this month than usual—a surprise that I really tried to relish and not rush through. With all my writing projects finished at the beginning of the month, I ended up spending the rest of it relaxing, catching up on my reading and discovering a new favorite PBS series, Lark Rise to Candleford, which I managed to watch more than a dozen episodes of before I started pacing myself!
It also was my husband’s birthday, which we celebrated in a pretty low-key fashion with some tasty (and decently healthy) carrot-cake cookies and dinner out with family. I think he actually forgot it was his birthday; he was up early to go work out and when he came home and I wished him happy birthday, it almost seemed to startle him. (If that’s not a sign we’re growing up, I don’t know what is. A decade ago, there’s no way I would have forgotten it’s my birthday. Now? It’s just another day.)
One thing I’d like to tackle in October, before it turns too cold, is to try and paint some pictures to go on the wall in my living room that is currently completely blank. I’d like something abstract and filled with brush strokes that pull in the myriad colors I’ve used in this room: teal, olive green, mustard yellow, gray. It’s been on my to-do list since we moved in here, but I think I’m finally starting to work up the courage to actually try it.
(Another one on my crafting dream list list? Dye a pair of my favorite but washed-out jeans a darker denim blue. I’ve seen it done on a couple of other blogs but haven’t gotten up the nerve to try it myself. Anyone have any experience with that?)
Now, let’s see if having all this typed up here for the world to see will result in more follow-through on my part!
What's on your wishlist for next month?
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